Song of Songs Ketubah

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Howard Fox Artist

"Rise up my love, and come away with me..."  The words that make up the poetry of the "Song of Songs" by King Solomon, surround the text of the "Song of Songs" ketubah.

"For winter and the rains are gone.  The flowers appear on the earth, and the time of the singing birds is come."

The border consists of a pinkish background populated by assorted  birds, deer, turmpets, harps and flowers, symbollic of the joy and love that is awash in the poetry of the great king of Israel.

Two deer gather at the bottom of the piece under the shade of a tree, while the words "I am to my beloved as my beloved is to me" form a circle at the top.

The shape of the ketubah harkens back to the days of Mesipotamia and Persia  as well as Italy when illuminated manuscripts were gve the shape of architectural forms.

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